
What is Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle hands-on technique used to enhance and support healing, balance, and well-being in one’s life.

Reiki translates as “universal life force energy”, it’s the energy that pulses through all things at all times. In its practical application, Reiki is an energetic and holistic healing modality which supports ones physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual development and well-being.

Discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in the late nineteenth century, Reiki has been passed from Master to student through “attunements” which enable Reiki practitioners to be a conduit through which Reiki energy flows. A tool for personal transformation through healing, Reiki possesses its own innate intelligence, flowing to where it’s needed through the practitioner to the recipient, working to benefit and support one’s energetic/emotional balance, peace, and vibrancy.

Reiki may assist in supporting your body, mind and spirit in many ways, including:

  • Easing physical pain and discomfort 

  • Soothing tension, anxiety, and stress 

  • Unblocking creative flow

  • Increasing your sense of wholeness and well-being

  • Supporting your physical and mental stamina 

  • Deepening resilience

  • Holistic and complementary support to standard medical treatments or hospice care

As we emerge, collectively and individually, from the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic we will face new challenges. There are practical ways in which Reiki can support you, such as:

  • Increasing energy and focus

  • Reestablishing joy

  • Strengthening your trust and resilience

  • Decreasing social anxiety

  • Addressing fatigue and burnout

  • Working with your anger, sorrow, and/or loss

  • Hospice support

  • Meeting you where you are today with whatever is present


What happens in a Reiki session?

Our session will begin with a brief check-in, giving us time to touch base and discuss specific needs or areas of focus for your session. 

  • You will remain fully clothed (except for shoes and jackets/outerwear), while resting comfortably on a massage table or sitting relaxed in a chair.

  • I will clear energy channels and call in the Reiki to flow from me to you. My hands will gently touch your body over your clothing, or hover slightly above the body, while I channel Reiki energy. I may quietly use sound during the session, only with your permission.

  • The Reiki will move to the areas where it is needed within your system. You may experience sensations such as tingling, heat, colors, or images. This is normal during a Reiki session as you allow yourself to relax deeply and receive the Reiki energy.

  • Sessions end with a brief period of quiet integration of the Reiki energies and we finish with a check-in on anything that emerged during your session. 

  • Session lengths include beginning and closing check-in time.


Distance Reiki

Reiki has always been provided as either an in person hands-on session or as a distance offering. During a distance session, we will connect via Zoom, Google Meet, FaceTime, or on the phone.

The structure of a distance session is the same as an in-person session, including check-in time at the beginning and closing of our time together.

Reiki during COVID-19 will only be offered as distance sessions. Don’t be discouraged! My clients have reported that the distance sessions are just as helpful as in-person sessions.


What Reiki is not…

  • Reiki is not massage.

  • Reiki is not reflexology, acupuncture, or acupressure.

  • Reiki is not a medical treatment.

  • Reiki is not a cure for disease or illness.

  • Reiki is not talk therapy.

  • Reiki is not a belief system.

  • Reiki is not a religion.

  • I am not a medical professional.

  • Clients with illness or disease, whether physical, psychological or otherwise, should contact a licensed and credentialed medical professional for help.

  • Information on legal alternative healing practices in California SB-577CA